Monday, January 24, 2011

Look what you did you little jerk!

More dates have been added to our tour with Same-Sex. We leave in a little over a month. I am excited to see some old faces I have not seen in a couple of years. We will have new shirt designs made, plus an ultra limited design which will be screened by yours truly, which will only be available on this tour. We are also going to be designing (hopefully) tour posters with the solidified tour dates on it. That is it for now. Listen to Born Against.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Live on KEXP February 12th

We will be kicking off the Seek and Destroy program Saturday at midnight with a live set and interview hosted by DJ Hannah Levin!  Tune in and check it out, or stream it on the web for the following two weeks. 
Also, we're playing this Saturday (Jan. 22nd) at the Cabin Tavern in Bellingham with Guns of Barisal and Moons and Goochers!  Come and party while we kick out the jams, our northern brethren and sistren!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Same Throne, different dictator 2011. The Quest for snacks. The dates!!!

3/2 Bellingham
3/3 Seattle(@Black Lodge, I believe)

3/4 Portland, OR

3/5 Oakland, CA

3/6 Reno, NV

3/7 Salt Lake City

3/8 Denver, CO


3/9 Albuquerque NM w/Ronoso


3/10 Flagstaff, AZ

3/11 Tijuana or San Diego

3/12 see above, w/ Death Crisis

3/13 SoCal

3/14 San Francisco

3/15 Chico, CA

3/16 Eugene, OR

3/17 Olympia or Tacoma, WA

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Same Throne, different dictator 2011. The Quest for snacks.

Hey all. So we are going to embark on our first West Coast tour in early March. Since there are less than a handful of rad Seattle bands we would want to take with us (we would not be one of those bands), the decision was an obvious one. We are heading out the two piece destruction machine Same-Sex Dictator. This is a special choice, especially for this writer, having been good friends and one time roomates with these dudes. They released their crushing LP in 2010 entitled "beneathyouitdevours", and folks, it is indeed a crusher. The dates are tentative, but everyone is a go on the dates, which are currently being handled. There are already talks of random fighting games to be played, and random beat downs of the members of both parties.  The routing is going to go through the southwestern states, and up through the Rocky Mountains. An easy one you know? I know that I am going to be prepared with vacuum packed Indian food, which has been a tried and tested method of pissing off band members of past tours. Should be neat.

Bill has a side band with our once auxillary  guitarist Pam, which I hear is going to be a heavy HopeCon/Refused style project. I am pretty excited to hear this banger. I am keeping sane playing drums in three bands right now, and there is the possibility other tours might be happening when I get back from Thailand. If I don't shoot myself, see you on the road.

I watched Star Trek V for the first time in what feels like twenty years. Horrible.

Check out Same-Sex Dictator